Conducting novel research into Cyanobacteria and industrially relevant microbes.

Cyanobacteria are responsible for approximately 25% of global primary production.


Our objectives are to:

  • Research the environmental impact of Cyanobacteria.

  • Understand the biochemistry and physiology of Cyanobacteria and other industrially relevant microbes.

  • Advance the biotechnological applications of Cyanobacteria. and other industrially relevant microbes.

  • Development of genetic tools for bacteria.

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We are based in the school of Biological Sciences at the University of East Anglia, situated in the world leading Norwich Research Park.

Led by Dr David Lea-Smith, our work looks to make a serious impact on Cyanobacterial research.

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Meet our team.

We are a relatively new but growing team, full of enthusiasm and a drive to expand the worlds horizons.

Stay in touch to hear about opportunities, papers and new work.