Lauren Mills

Postgraduate Researcher (4th year)


I graduated from Newcastle University with a First-Class degree in BSc Cellular and Molecular Biology in 2017. After taking a year out to travel around South America, I joined the Lea-Smith Lab group as a BBSRC CASE PhD Student in October, 2018. My work uses Machine Learning techniques to optimise the production of industrially important compounds in Cyanobacteria. I am co-supervised by Simon Moxon at the University of East Anglia and Dongda Zhang at the University of Manchester.

Recent publications

Mills, L.A., McCormick, A.J. and Lea-Smith, D.J., 2020. Current knowledge and recent advances in understanding metabolism of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 2. Bioscience reports., 40(4) DOI: 10.1042/BSR20193325.

Baers, L.L., Breckels, L.M., Mills, L.A., Gatto, L., Deery, M.J., Stevens, T.J., Howe, C.J., Lilley, K.S. and Lea-Smith, D.J., 2019. Proteome Mapping of a Cyanobacterium Reveals Distinct Compartment Organization and Cell-Dispersed Metabolism. Plant Physiology, 181(4), pp.1721-1738.

Gale, G.A., Schiavon Osorio, A.A., Mills, L.A., Wang, B., Lea-Smith, D.J. and McCormick, A.J., 2019. Emerging species and genome editing tools: future prospects in cyanobacterial synthetic biology. Microorganisms, 7(10), p.409


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